Testimony: Know Who You Are In Christ

This powerful testimony from Ms Peggy, one of the faithful prayer warriors in our weekly prayer group, is a testimony of “knowing who we are in Christ Jesus and knowing who HE is in us.” Knowing that helps us to confidently stand against any attacks the enemy attempts to bring our way, just as Ms Peggy did. 

We pray that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read this powerful testimony. If you are someone who is struggling in this area and need prayer, please feel free to reach out to us through our Prayer Request App on our website so that we can stand with you in prayer.


My name is Peggy and I want to share a testimony. On December 19th 2021,I was sitting talking with my daughter and I started not being able to say my words right. I started shaking from my head to my feet. I couldn’t even walk by myself. The first thing I said was “it is an attack from the enemy and I don’t receive it.” My roommate and daughter helped me get to bed. For four hours I just called on Jesus. I told Him that He wasn’t a respecter of persons, so what He did for Job he could do for me. I kept saying, “I am resting in Jesus.”I had a choice when this first came on me to go to the ER or believe I would be healed. Maybe I should have gone to the ER but I chose to believe that this would leave me. I prayed until 1am and when I got up in the morning everything was back to normal. I went to my Doctor and was told that I had a TIA mini stroke. Every test that was done on me (10 different tests including an MRI) showed nothing. I didn’t expect the results to be any different. Praise the Lord! Because I knew where this attack came from. I thank the Lord every day for my health. I do not take it for granted.